Workplace Massage Studio: 5 Key Terms

Discover Routine Massage Sessions in Workplace at Elated Harmonies Massage Studios

Workplace Massage Studio: 5 Key Terms

We share 5 key terms you will hear when you visit Elated Harmonies Massage Studios located downtown in Washington, D.C.
1. Massage Studio not a Parlor
2. Massage Therapist not a Masseuse
3. Our Guest not our Patient/Client
4. Schedule a Visit
5. Confirm Massage Session

Welcome to Elated Harmonies Massage

Hello All
Welcome into Elated Harmonies Massage where we provide therapeutic massage session and products that encourage individuals to Invest in Moments of Peace.

My name is Shanice-Shaila and in this video I want to share with you 5 key terms we use to define your visit here at our workplace studio located downtown in Washington, D.C.

So by the end of this video, you will know what typical exchange sounds like at Elated Harmonies Massage and also key terms you can use at any therapeutic massage studio when searching for relief from that dreaded crick in your neck or that lower back pain you may suffer with daily at your desk.

Massage Studio, Massage Therapist, Massage Guest

So lets get into it!

Number 1 This is a Massage Studio, not a parlor.
Now I know the term studio is typically used for an artist workroom or so but the Therapist here can use this modest size but very effective space help relieve that pain from you suffer with from being hunched over that computer screen all morning and all afternoon.

This leads us to Number 2 where she is a Therapist, not a masseuse.
She is professionally trained and skilled to manipulate your muscles and connective tissues in efforts to enhance your health and wellbeing which makes her a professional Massage Therapist nonetheless.

Number 3, you are Our Guest, not a client or patient.
Now here we are getting away from some consultative or clinical based terms and welcoming you into our studio looking for relief or an escape from the mundane to clear your mindset and achieve more during the day.

Lastly, Number 4 and Number 5 are very similar in nature. They have to do with scheduling a visit and confirming your session.
Notice we didn't use massage or appointment here. Now you'll typically hear us say: “Are you here for your session?” or “Would you like to schedule your next visit?”

What You'll Hear at Our Massage Studio

So this is how a typical exchange would sound when you stop by Elated Harmonies Massage.

Hello, welcome into our STUDIO, we're elated that you have chosen to build routine massage SESSIONS, into your routine health regimen, I can schedule your VISIT here with our THERAPIST, as we look forward to you as our GUEST.

So just as a recap.

1 - It’s a Massage Studio not a parlor
2 - She is a Massage Therapist not a Masseuse
3 - You are our Guest not a patient or a client
4 - You're scheduling a visit,
5 - You're confirming a session

Get To Know Us A Little More...

So now that you know what a typical exchange would sound like as well as key terms to use at any studio.

Check out next video to discover how brief but routine massage sessions during the workday can combat occupational stress and relieve the pain you suffer with at the office.

Workplace Massage Studio Terms at Elated Harmonies Massage in Washington D.C.


Learn more about our massage sessions, mobile studio bus & studio inspirations collection